

  1. Make note of the student's 行为 in relation to 你的班级 that you believe are impacting/may impact the student's or others' learning. THESE are the focus of your interactions with the student, NOT any suspected disability. Exception: if a student expresses suicidal thoughts, contact the 学生健康诊所 立即寻求指导. Examples – not participating in group work or class, 讲话过多或打断别人, 分散他人注意力的行为, 上课不能集中注意力, 持续的负面评论, 可怜的出勤率, 没有按时完成工作.
  2. Speak with the student in a confidential environment, describing the BEHAVIORS that you are observing. 保持清晰、冷静、尊重的语气.
  3. DO NOT ask the student if s/he has a disability. 为什么? 看到 权利与责任.
  4. 问学生 what challenges s/he is experiencing in the class and what strategies s/he has used successfully in the past, and use these to inform your instructional practice.
  5. 讨论你的顾虑 这个学生还没有提出, based on your observations and your knowledge of your upcoming assignments and curriculum. Then strategize with the student how to address these. 你不妨参考一下 教学策略 创意页面.
  6. 如果学生透露 that s/he has a disability, or that s/he uses medication to manage a psychological condition, 感谢他/她的分享 that information with you, and treat the information as confidential.If the student has disclosed that s/he uses prescribed medication for a condition, 你可能会说, if s/he is comfortable informing you of any potential side effects or changes in medication that may affect his/her ability to learn, you would appreciate him/her sharing that information. You may not ask or obligate the student to provide this information.
  7. 如果需要, review and reinforce the behavioral expectations 从 your syllabus 适当的.
  8. 如果学生有住宿计划需求方, review and discuss the plan with the student. REMINDER – the plan is based on documentation, including any relevant assessments and medical records, 由dsp审查. You are legally obligated to honor the accommodations in the plan. If you believe that the accommodations fundamentally alter the nature of the course or activity, 你有权对他们提出异议, 但你应该联系dsp讨论这个问题, 不是学生.
  9. If the student does NOT have an accommodation plan: While you can't directly refer a student to the 需求方办公室 or inquire whether the student currently works with 需求方, 你可以推荐一系列的校园服务 致学生. Discuss student support services on campus including 在中科院辅导, CAS工作坊, 需求方办公室, 咨询, and other services 适当的, and offer to refer the student as s/he wishes, using 早期预警.


  1. Determine in which areas you can be flexible and which not, communicate these clearly to 你的班级 (ideally both orally and in writing), and be consistent in enforcing your standards. 例如, you may be willing to accept late work for major assignments, 但不是为了家庭作业, 反之亦然. Setting clear boundaries and adhering to them provides structure and clarity for all your students.
  2. Recognize that many of the medications used to manage psychological challenges have significant side effects that can affect learning, including drowsiness, fatigue, excessive thirst, hand tremors, blurred vision, and so forth. You may need to continue to work with the student to develop or revise mutually agreeable management strategies for these. 例如, you may determine to allow five minute breaks every 50 minutes of a long class session so that all students can access the water fountain and restroom regularly, or you may allow students to use their water bottles during class.
  3. 检查 教学策略 本地盘面积 for ideas that seem to be most relevant to your student's situation, keeping in mind that individuals with psychological conditions vary considerably in their experiences, 行为, 和需要. Some examples of diverse psychological conditions include major depression, 创伤后应激障碍(来自战斗), 滥用, 或其他创伤), 精神分裂症, 双相情感障碍, 恐慌症, 强迫症, 恐惧症, 还有焦虑症.
  4. 向同事咨询策略 they have used successfully when dealing with 行为 like those you are observing, but be careful to maintain the student's confidentiality.
  5. Check your instructional materials for ADA, 504, and 508 compliance 使用这个 检查表 and begin retrofitting your materials to meet these federal requirements.
  6. 联系 the 需求方办公室 to request any resources they may have available to support your working with a student with the challenges you are observing. They may have media or print materials specific to your concerns, or they may be able to refer you to a campus colleague who has had success working with similar students. 
  7. 如果你有顾虑 关于你学生的安全, 你的班级, 和/或自己, 联系你的系主任, 你的院长或主任, or the Vice President for Student Services for guidance.


To expand your knowledge base for working with students with disabilities:

  1. 检查 教学策略 具体策略页面.
  2. 探索 更多教师资源 page for links to additional guides, information, and materials to build your skills.
  3. 我的 残疾的意识 图书页面, 电影, 在线视频剪辑, and other materials to provide context to work effectively with these students.


Material provided for information purposes only. For legal advice, consult a legal professional.